Sunday, August 7, 2016

Eleventh Hour

I sit on the plan from Chicago to Frankfurt and think about what just happened this week. We still had a mountain of things to do before our flight on the morning of Friday, August 5, 2016. This is where we channeled our college cramming abilities!

The movers came on Monday, they were supposed to take 4 days. They packed everything up in 2 days and it only took ½ day to load. Managing the movers and three kids and making sure everything got done was challenging, to say the least. And all the paperwork! We were putting it together as quickly as possible.

Since the movers finished early we had to find a place to stay Wednesday and Thursday nights. Unfortunately, we were told by several hotels there was an Outdoor Retailers convention going on and all the hotels from Salt Lake to Provo were booked.  I made one more attempt at a room and found one two-bedroom suite available! Perfect! With 3 young kids, a suite is the only way to go! Then we found out the only reason why it was available was because the hotel was under construction and rooms became available as the construction finished, so we got it just in time! Whew!

We had to get Keith’s prescriptions filled but had to switch pharmacies in order to get a 3-month supply. As we were waiting in the parking lot for them to be filled, I took a walk by myself. I walked behind a dumpster and started crying. Had I made the right decision? Yes, I was sure of it. But there was so much left to do before our flight. Then I realize I was crying behind a dumpster…ok, this was ridiculous. We got the prescription and went back to the house to finish putting all the trash and stuff to give away in one area.

Next big hurdle was the house. It still hadn't sold! Not one offer. We canceled our contract with the first realtor on Tuesday and met with another on Wednesday night. He pointed out several touch-ups we should do to the home - everyone's looking for an HGTV home (thanks to Property Brothers). He said he would get it quoted and fixed for us before listing it. Then he called on Thursday and said the market is not the greatest - of course not, school is starting soon and then we're heading into winter. He suggested renting the house until spring. Not my first choice, but we called a property management company who came out Thursday afternoon to look at it and see how much we could rent it for. Turns out we could easily get our mortgage and the management fee easily with rent. So next step is to get all that paperwork going.

Keith was out running errands on Thursday and called to help relieve some of the tension. Reminding me what an awesome adventure this was going to be.  And all this stuff we're going through was not defining the experience - it was just stuff that would eventually go away. There was no point in freaking out or getting upset. I loved him for it. Just that little talk really made me relax a bit. He was right, this would all be over. He and I made a concentrated effort to not get mad with each other, at the kids, or at the situation - there was no point. We just had to get through it. We slipped up a few times but for the most part we did pretty well.

The kids had to visit their school and friends one last time. In retrospect, we probably should have enrolled them in school for the first two weeks. The school system is year-round so their first day of school was July 26. It would have kept the kids busy instead of dealing with the stresses of getting everything done. Next time...ha ha. So we were able to visit the school on Thursday afternoon, the day before we were to fly. It was so awesome seeing their classmates wish them luck, giving hugs, and saying how much they will be missed. I teared up a bit, it hit me (again) what a big move this is.

We needed the minivan up until the last minute, so the dealership that is selling the truck on consignment took the minivan too. We also had to sell the pop-up camper. The dealership we bought it from was going to buy it back at a very low offer so that was our last resort. I had it listed on ksl (local TV station’s website that has free classifieds) but realized it was expired so, I attempted on last try to get it sold and re-listed it. As luck would have it, we were able to sell it! The buyer picked it up at 9:30pm the night before we left. I was so relieved!
Keith and I stayed up almost all night before the flight to wind down and went back through the suitcases. Luckily we remembered to reserve a shuttle for 5am!

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